Slide Deck
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Ensuring resillience in Europe's energy transition
by Matthias Buck and Claudio Baccianti (Agora Energiewende)
Slide Deck
pdf 2 MB
EU Clean Tech Industry
by Martin Hoyer and Karin Kemetzhofer (Roland Berger)
Ensuring resilience in Europe’s energy transition
The role of EU clean-tech manufacturing

Event Recording
The EU’s transition to climate neutrality requires the rapidly accelerated deployment of clean technologies such as solar PV, wind (on- and offshore), batteries, heat pumps and electrolysers over the next twenty years.
The COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine have put a spotlight on the vulnerability of globally integrated clean-tech value chains and show that the secure supply of critical raw materials, of refined materials, of components or final products cannot be taken for granted. These concerns are exacerbated by growing political rivalry between the US and China that could disrupt international trade, as well as by the US Inflation Reduction Act, which offers generous tax breaks to companies that produce and sell clean technologies in the US.
In our webinar, Matthias Buck, Director Europe of Agora Energiewende, presented the main results of a joint project with Roland Berger to analyse important clean-tech value chains, establish appropriate levels of EU domestic manufacturing to provide stability and resilience, and quantify the relevant costs for different scenarios, as summarised in the “Ensuring resilience in Europe’s energy transition: The role of EU clean-tech manufacturing” publication by Agora Energiewende which was published on 12 September.
We invited stakeholders and informed audience members to comment on the results of our analysis concerning different policy instruments for scaling EU clean-tech manufacturing and to join our panel discussion.
The event lasted one and a half hours and included a Q&A session.
You can find the slides in the download section below.
We have recorded the webinar. The recording can be found above.
Event details
Ensuring resilience in Europe’s energy transition
Agora Online Event
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