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Agora Energiewende

Agora Energiewende develops scientifically sound and politically feasible strategies for a successful pathway to climate neutrality.

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Agora Energiewende



Boosting the clean heat market

With current policies, Europe may end up installing tens of millions of new fossil fuel boilers by 2040, jeopardising climate and energy security goals and undermining the EU’s cleantech leadership. This publication provides an in-depth assessment of the European heating market, examining market trends and the policy landscape. It proposes a new instrument which could help accelerate the heating transition by incentivising manufacturers to increase the share of clean appliances and improve consumer access.

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Boosting the clean heat market

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Agora in the World

Agora Energiewend is active in a variety of regions and countries and has offices in Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin and Brussels. We furthermore cooperate with a wide network of partner think tanks on the ground. Explore our international work.