- pdf 71 KB Programme
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Increased Integration of the Nordic and German Electricity Systems
Modelling and Assessment of Economic and Climate Effects of Enhanced Electrical Interconnection and the Additional Deployment of Renewable Energies (Summary of Findings)
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Nordic integration from the perspective of German renewables
Slides Robert Brandt, BEE
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Increased German-Nordic integration of power systems requires a strong power grid in Germany
Slides Prof. Peter Meibom, Danish Energy Association
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Nordic and German Electricity Market Integration – Perspectives in Context of the German Energiewende
Slides Peter Johannes Menck, BMWi
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Distributional Effects of System Integration and Qualitative Discussion of Implications for Stakeholders
Slides Jonas Egerer/Alexander Zerrahn/Prof. Christian von Hirschhausen, DIW Berlin
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Outlook for Generation and Trade in the Nordic and German Power System
Slides Anders Kofoed-Wiuff/János Hethey, Ea Energy Analyses
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Increased Integration of the Nordic and German Electricity Systems – Economic and Climate Effects
Slides Stephanie Ropenus, Agora Energiewende
pdf 10 MB
Increased Integration of the Nordic and German Electricity Systems
Modelling and Assessment of Economic and Climate Effects of Enhanced Electrical Interconnection and the Additional Deployment of Renewable Energies (Full Version)
Economic and climate effects of increased integration of the Nordic and German electricity systems

The Nordic countries are endowed with great potential of renewable energy sources, such as wind energy and already existing hydropower reservoirs. The German electricity system is undergoing the transition towards a high share of variable renewable energy sources, especially wind and solar photovoltaics. Increased interconnection provides the possibility for cross-border balancing, which facilitates the integration of electricity from variable renewable energy sources.
The purpose of this joint project of Agora Energiewende and the Swedish think tank Global Utmaning is to assess and discuss the economic and climate effects of further integrating the Nordic and German electricity systems. Firstly, this study examines the impact of increased integration with varying shares of renewable energy on the power system. Secondly, distributional effects of increased integration for stakeholders in the different countries are discussed.
In the course of the event the results of the study were presented, commented and discussed. Also, participants had the opportunity to address the speakers at the end of the panel discussion as well as in smaller groups afterwards when there was be "Time for Talks".
Chair: Olivier Feix, 50Hertz Transmisson GmbH
Welcome and Introduction
- Markus Steigenberger, Agora Energiewende
Motivation for Increased Integration – Objective of Project
- Stephanie Ropenus, Agora Energiewende
Work Package 1: Outlook for Generation and Trade in the Nordic and German Power System
- Anders Kofoed-Wiuff and János Hethey, Ea Energy Analysis
Work Package 2: Distributional Effects of System Integration and Qualitative Discussion of Implications for Stakeholders
- Christian von Hirschhausen, Jonas Egerer and Alexander Zerrahn, DIW Berlin – German Institute for Economic Research
Nordic and German Electricity Market Integration – Perspectives in Context of the German Energiewende
- Peter Johannes Menck, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
A Swedish Perspective on Nordic and German Integration
- Arne Mogren, Global Utmaning
Nordic Integration from a Stakeholder and Country Perspective – Short Presentations and Panel Discussion
- Peter Meibom, Dansk Energi – Danish Energy Association
- Melanie Vasold, TenneT TSO GmbH
- Klaus Hammes, Energimyndigheten – Swedish Energy Agency
- Robert Brandt, BEE – German Renewable Energy Federation
Coffee & Cake and Time for Talks
Event details
Economic and climate effects of increased integration of the Nordic and German electricity systems
NH Hotel Friedrichstraße
Room: Saal Paganini B
Friedrichstraße 96
10117 Berlin
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