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Get an overview of the topics we work on.

Primary topics

  • Scaling up renewable energy

    A rapid build-out of renewable energies is at the heart of any effective response to the climate crisis, it is technically possible, economically affordable and will also enhance energy security.

  • Zero-emissions power systems

    Zero-emissions power systems will enable a rapid transition to climate neutrality across the entire economy.

  • Buildings and heat transition

    Investments into energy efficiency, heat pumps and green district heating are key to decarbonising the buildings sector.

  • Hydrogen

    Renewable hydrogen and Power-to-X (PtX) technologies are essential for achieving net zero. These technologies make a fully renewable energy system possible and support the path towards climate neutrality even for those applications where direct electrification with renewables is not an option.

  • Financing and investing in the transition

    Economic, fiscal, and social dimensions are central ingredients of robust climate and energy policy-making.

  • Fossil gas phase-down

    Phasing down fossil gas uses across all sectors in a socially balanced way is a prerequisite to achieving climate neutrality.

Other Topics

  • European Green Deal

    The EU Green Deal is Europe’s main growth strategy towards a more sustainable and fairer economic model.

  • Coal phase-out

    Replacing coal with clean energy is paramount to climate action and also brings significant health benefits.

  • Pathways to climate neutrality

    Reliable scenarios show the way to climate neutrality. An ambitious and balanced mix of instruments ensures that the goals are achieved.